Character Bio

Jahvon Reyes aka Bedrock has super strength and near invulnerability. Bullets, fire, explosives cannot harm him. Jahvon is so strong he can lift approximately 100 tons. Jahvon, like his brothers uses his powers to protect the helpless and to fight evil.

Jason Reyes aka the Quantum Engineer is the leader of the Prodigies. His power is his super intellect. Jason Reyes’ mind can make complex calculations as fast as any quantum computer. With his great mind Jason Reyes is able to create technology that helps him and his brothers to fight evil and protect humanity.

Joshua Reyes aka One Thousand Fists has the power being able to move at a heightened speed where he can run up to 90 miles per hour. In addition, he has photo-graphic reflexes enabling him to master any athletic move simply by observing it. Over the years Joshua Reyes has mastered several martial arts including Karate, Judo, Escrima, Boxing. Moreover, he has the acrobatic ability of an Olympic level gymnasts.

Kali is agent and creation of the terrorist organization the Dawn of the Shadow. She is has mastered numerous martial arts and has enhanced speed just like Joshua. What makes Kali even more dangerous is that she has four arms. With these arms she is twice as deadly.

Jordan Reyes is the father of Joshua, Jason and Jahvon. A Navy Seal, Jordan raised his three special sons to always fight for good and to use their powers to help humanity. Jason, Joshua and Jahvon look upon their father as their greatest hero.

NIcholas Hammerstein aka the Creator is a terrorist mastermind who orchestrated countless acts of terror, killing thousands of innocents over the years. He created the Prodigies with the intent to use them as his killing machines. Fortunately, Jordan Reyes rescued his sons from this fate and raised the Prodigies to be protectors of humanity and not destroyers. Hammerstein has sought revenge upon Jodan Reyes ever since. Nicholas Hammerstein is highly skilled at military strategy, tactics and hand-to-hand combat and is a natural leader. His dark brilliance for creating death and destruction has made him the most feared terrorist in the world and Prodigies’ greatest enemy.

Jahvon Reyes aka Bedrock has super strength and near invulnerability. Bullets, fire, explosives cannot harm him. Jahvon is so strong he can lift approximately 100 tons. Jahvon, like his brothers uses his powers to protect the helpless and to fight evil.

Jason Reyes aka the Quantum Engineer is the leader of the Prodigies. His power is his super intellect. Jason Reyes’ mind can make complex calculations as fast as any quantum computer. With his great mind Jason Reyes is able to create technology that helps him and his brothers to fight evil and protect humanity.

Joshua Reyes aka One Thousand Fists has the power being able to move at a heightened speed where he can run up to 90 miles per hour. In addition, he has photo-graphic reflexes enabling him to master any athletic move simply by observing it. Over the years Joshua Reyes has mastered several martial arts including Karate, Judo, Escrima, Boxing. Moreover, he has the acrobatic ability of an Olympic level gymnasts.

Kali is agent and creation of the terrorist organization the Dawn of the Shadow. She is has mastered numerous martial arts and has enhanced speed just like Joshua. What makes Kali even more dangerous is that she has four arms. With these arms she is twice as deadly.

Jordan Reyes is the father of Joshua, Jason and Jahvon. A Navy Seal, Jordan raised his three special sons to always fight for good and to use their powers to help humanity. Jason, Joshua and Jahvon look upon their father as their greatest hero.